Thursday, 27 September 2012


I have really enjoyed this assignment, and i am very pleased with my final photographs.
I created the final images by take 3 photos (portraits) in the studio of 3 different models (Lucy, Danni and Coral).
I then uploaded my photos to the computer and edited them on 'photoshop' and 'picmonkey'. I made them all black and white and changed the brightness, contrast, exposure, shadows and highlights. I also used tools on 'picmonkey' such as 'wrinkle remover' to smooth the appearance of the skin, 'blemish fix' to get rid of spots and a few other tools.
I then got 3 photos of 3 different human skulls and made them black and white in 'photoshop'.
I cropped the photos of the skulls, and rezised them to make them fit the shape and sizes of the three models faces. 
I then printed both the skull photos and the photos of the models, and ripped the photos of the skulls and stuck them onto the photos of the models. I then scanned the 2 photos together to look like half of the face is  there and then the other half is the skull.
I had to go back onto photoshop to do any last minute editing - by using the liquify tool on photoshop, to make any bits of the skull bigger or small or made to fit the shape of the face.

I then saved the photos and they are now all finished.

I am happy with my photos, however when I scanned them on the scanner, it changed the shading/colour of the black and white a little, so it wasn't as good as before I scanned them.
Overall I am thrilled with my final photos and I will need to enter them into the 'Beauty and the Beast' competition.

Final Images

These are my three final images after editing them and adding the other pictures of the skulls onto them:

Final image 1 - Lucy

Final image 2 - Danni

Final image 3 - Coral

Creating My Final Images

For my final photos, I took 3 photographs of 3 different models in the studio, using a white background.
I edited my photos on 'photoshop' and 'picmonkey' - I found both of these really useful and I will definately be using these for most of my images.
All three models were told to wear red lipstick and fake eyelashes.

I changed the three photos to black and white, and made the skin on the three models clear and smooth by using the wrinkle remover tool on 'picmonkey' and 'airbrush' I also changed the brightness, contrast, shadows and highlights to get the correct light and shading of the photo.

These are the three images before I edited them:

Model number 1 - Lucy

Model number 2 - Danni

Model number 3 - Coral

These are the three images after editing them (adding black and white effect and using several tools):

Model number 1 - Lucy

Model number 2 - Danni

Model number 3 - Coral

Monday, 24 September 2012

Final Idea

For my final photographs, I have chosen to go with the idea of taking a photograph of a girl, and a photgraph of a skull and put them together so that it looks like half a skull and half of the girls face.
I am going to take 3 different photos, using three different models.
I am going to edit my photographs using 'Photoshop' and 'PicMonkey' as these are both great for editing photographs.
I am going to change the three photographs to black and white, (both the girl and the skull).
I chose this theme as it reminds me of life and death.
This is relevent with the theme 'Beauty and the Beast' because beauty is life, and the beast is death, and I think these photographs will portray that very well.

If this idea doesn't go to plan, I will have to use my back up plan which would be to use the same three models, but half half of their face with lots of makeup and half without. This would be relevant with the theme 'Beauty and the Beast' because it would be asking which side is the beauty and which is the beast? Which is more beautiful, natural or fake? 

I am hoping my first idea works as this is my favourite idea. 


This is the photo that inspired me to choose to do this for my theme. I really like it because it is different, and I like how it's ripped in the middle, as it adds more interest to it. I like that it is black and white, and I am going to make my 3 photographs black and white too.
I will need to ensure when putting the two halves of photos together that the skull and the models face are the same size and are acurate. I couldn't find the photographer/artist who created this photo.

These are also some other photos which I like with the half skull half woman idea:

I was going to do the skull makeup but decided that I liked the first photo best with the photo of the skull ripped and put with half of the girls face, so that is the idea I am going with.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Initial Ideas

For this assignment, these are the several ideas I have for the photos.

  • Half face with makeup and half without
  • Half face with makeup and half ruined makeup
  • Half face with makeup and half with makeup/facepaint to look like a skull
  • Half face with makeup, and then take a picture of a skull and rip to put on the other half of the face so that it is half girl and half skull
  • Half boy with makeup and wig and jewelery(transvestite) and half without makeup

Thursday, 20 September 2012


For this assignment we have been asked to enter Harman's 'Beauty and the Beast' competition. We have three weeks to create three thought provoking images in response to the theme 'Beauty and the Beast'. My challenge is to show the diversity and contrasts that surround us each day.

All of my images are required to be A4 digital images. I am going to draw my inspiration from the world around us. I am going to be experimental withing my images, both technically and creatively. I am aiming to make my images original, imaginative, contemporary and powerful.

I need to include in-depth research within this assignment, to inspire me for my own images and I will need to make a comparison between my images and another photographer or artists work, whose work inspires me or relates to the provided theme.