David Severn is a 21 year old Fine Art Photographer/Artist from Nottingham. He is part of 'Quad' and he has done an 'Exposture' project. He will be exhibiting work in Derby. He got into this by just applying to the exhibit, by sending his work off, to see if he would get picked.
He is very interested in people and places, and he likes to photograph these subjects/themes.
He has done work about people and their environment, including his own, where he grew up.
He did a project caled 'Thanks Maggie', which was taken in Nottingham, around areas and the location he grew up in. The project explores his memories, which are very personal to him.
The photographs include:
1.Working mens club (alot of working mens clubs are closing down now). He didn't ask the people in the clubs if he could photograph them, he just did sneaky shots. He shot in colour film (6 x 7) He enjoys processing the film.
2. Image of his dade getting ready to perform as an Elvis impersonator. This was the last time he did an Elvis tribute.
3. The Village with terrace house which are due to be knocked down, there were plans to build a new shopping centre there. In the photo, the windows on the houses are boarded up. It is a rough neighbourhood.
4. Homeless mans tent - He took a photo of the man who lives in the tent, but he preferred to shot of the tent alone. It was more ambiguous. His photos are atmospheric and moody.
5. Portrait of a man who he met in a cafe by accident. They got talking and he took his portrait. The man was a miner and he told him a story about a man being in an accident and severely injured, however he recovered well and lived, and it turned out to be himself he was talking about. He is now a performer poet. He shot the photo on Kodak Portrait 400.
Some of the photographs have been set up/arranged through contacts. However some are not. They are spontaneous. There are of people he meets by chance. He usually finds that people respond well - they are usually happy to get involved and be photographed and interviewed.
His photos are documentary style, they include portraits, landscapes, and still lives. This project got published and exhibited in a few different places. The shots were taken at different times of the day, and varying composition. He is very aware of light and more and essentially what is in the image.
He found out what else people do on the site where he was taking pictures - where he lives. He photographed people hunting on one of the pit sites. The group asked a lot of questions because they didn't want to get in trouble so they made sure he was genuine. David spent time with this group so he could gain their trust, which he did. The photos of the hunters remind him of classical paintings.
He recommends when starting an assignment do lots of research, such as reading books and internet. David likes to work alone. He is not a fan of working in groups, and he does not require an assistant for help.
He says an influence of his is Michelle San, who takes portraits in a town and explores people and place, and does the same as David. She wonders around and taking photos of whatever she likes and comes across. Much simalar to Davids images, Michelles photos are of ordinary people and places.
David Severn did a photographic project of travelling showmen, which was a very recent project.
He video recorded the conversations he had with the families, while photographing them. He took photos of them in their caravans/trailers. His experience was very positive. The were very welcoming and open with him.
He also photographed some people at the fair taking pictures and using their phones.
He is also a commercial photographer, as well as documentary. He didn't go to University and he dropped out of his A levels, which he says he wishes he didn't do and he fount it really hard to get where he is, and he had to to it the long hard way. However, he said he would like to go to University in the future.